Friday, November 07, 2008

Cat puke sucks

I vacuumed the living room tonight, and got tired of seeing all those cat puke stains all over it. So of course I got the "White Lightning" degreaser out and rubbed it into the cat puke stains, and got out the carpet shampoo machine (the Hoover Steamvac) and started a'shampooing.

Casualties: One finger literally scrubbed raw working the degreaser into the stains (now has Band-aid on it). Much time and aggravation (the Steamvac has a tiny tank, I went through four tanks of water and a tank of carpet soap on the part that the cats had puked on, the part not protected by the throw rugs, because you have to go over each section multiple times with soap then rinsing it without soap otherwise the soap left behind attracts more dirt). Much dirt down the kitchen drain. But at least now the carpet in the living rooms looks merely worn out, rather than utterly disgusting ;-(.

The apartment complex I live in gave me a certificate when I moved in that says they'll put new carpet in after I've lived here 5 years. Next year will be 5 years. It'll be interesting to see whether they tell me "oops, we're not renewing your lease!" next year in order to charge me for the new carpet to replace the worn-out old carpet (this is the original carpet from when the apartment was built 12 years ago, from what I can tell).

-- Badtux the Tired Penguin


  1. One finger literally scrubbed raw working the degreaser into the stains (now has Band-aid on it).
    Um...this sounds rather like the obsessive penguin.

  2. Having four of those joys and a dog to boot, I can relate. The carpet cleaner definately earns its keep.

  3. I would like to link to you as the penguin in my story? I see we also share an interest in the penguin cafe ochestra. Glad I came by your blog and do not hesistate to link up my blog or stop by anytime.
    Best wishes

  4. Been there, done that, but no more. There's something to be said for having laminate flooring when you're owned by cats. My little darlings go behind the couch to do their puking and gakking, but at least all I have to do is move the damn thing and wipe it up. Now my only concern is tripping over the kitchen mat first thing in the morning after the little buggers have been surfing on it around the kitchen all night.

  5. Unfortunately, fjb, this penguin's iceberg is docked in rental land, and you can't find rentals with laminate flooring :-(.

    CC: Obsessive? Moi? Well, I do get obsessions I must admit, but they do not last long. This penguin is easily distracted, like most birds. Oh look! Shiny things!

    - Badtux the Distracted Penguin

  6. We had the crappy carpet (similar to gray-green Astroturf) in this rental professionally cleaned three days ago to deal with the accumumated effects of 2 1/2 years of cat chunder. The one that eats too fast often does a reverse Hoover because catfood crunchies do not sit well in the belly when they're swallowed unchewed. I'm always quick to clean the piles on the pile -- otherwise he'd re-eat them -- but the telltale traces remain. It's terrible when one cannot walk barefoot in one's home because one remembers the gorks of crunchietime past. At least they've had the good graces to rarely ralf on the expensive Persian wool rugs we brought over with us.

  7. My carpet is 8 years old. This is crappy carpet made to last 3 years max. I'm cleaning out crap to get it replaced. I can't take it anymore. I didn't know that if you leave soap in it, it attracts more dirt, thanks for the hint.

    I'm digging out the silicone grout. You can only run a bead so many times before you need to start over.


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