Friday, September 05, 2008

Unemployment up for 8th straight month

Yeppers. And manufacturing jobs are down by 20% over the past five years. That has manufacturers peeved as they see themselves forced to outsource their manufacturing to overseas just to stay in business. To quote the head of a manufacturer's association:

GOP presidential candidate John McCain "fails to grasp" the importance of the sector to America's national and economic security, said Paul, who represents smaller U.S. manufacturers. "Laid-off manufacturing workers don't want to be retrained for lower-paying service sector jobs; they want an administration that will fight hard to keep their jobs here and to grow new manufacturing jobs," he said.

The solution of all these economic woes is, of course, to elect Republicans. Who have such a sterling record when it comes to keeping Americans employed...

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin

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