Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The family that's tased together, stays together

Cops arrived on the scene of a shooting to find the victim's family attending the victim, holding pressure on his wounds and otherwise reassuring him that help was on the way. As the victim's older brother held the dressing on the wound and reassured his younger brother, a police officer said "move aside sir, we need to question the victim." The brother, of course, said "Excuse me? My brother don't need questioning, he needs an ambulance!"

So they tased him. And when the victim's mother protested, they tased her. And when the victim's father protested, they tased him. The only reason they didn't tase Granpa and Grandma was that the Grans didn't make it there in time to get tased, they were too busy waving their canes and yelling "you kids get off our lawn!" to shuffle over for their turn getting tased.

Meanwhile, the folks who got tased have been charged with assault for, err, viciously throwing their bodies in front of police tasers. And the kid survived (no thanks to the cops who were more concerned about torturing the kid's family for being concerned about their son's welfare), so hey, all's well that ends well, right?

Ah yes, just another day in Soviet America...

-- Badtux the Sovok Penguin


  1. Whaaa??? Reference, please?

  2. Clicky the linky. Oh, it was the kid's big sister, not his mother. My bad.

    The grampa and granny reference btw is a Simpsons joke and you can ignore it.

    - Badtux the Taser Penguin

  3. Good grief. This reads like edited out-takes for a re-make of "Running Man" or something. Insanity.

  4. holla at labrys for running man reference...

    yeah this is scary... party of the problem is that our cops, i'm sorry to say, aren't exactly the A students...

    here in NYC they get paid about 26,500/year starting salary and they have to have a bachelor's degree. Well, how many A students do you know that come out of college what would take a job for 26,500/year? Maybe a few, but I guarantee they are the minority of the people populating our police force.

    I hadn't seen this. Thanks a ton for posting it.

    One Love,
    --Reverend Manny and the Twilight Empire

  5. Sorry, missed the linky. You could use better contrast if you're not gonna underlink 'em, dude.


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