Thursday, September 11, 2008

Seven years

On September 11, 2001, terrorists in the employ of one Osama bin Laden killed thousands of Americans. On September 11, 2008, Osama bin Laden still walks this Earth as a free man, while most of the resources that could be used to catch his evil ass are stuck in the world's biggest catbox (the Mess in Mesopotamia).

If there is anything that summarizes Republican rule of the United States, it is this. Not even the most elementary of things -- bringing one man to justice -- appears possible for the Bush Administration and the Republicans in Congress who rubber-stamp everything for Bush, one of whom, remember, is John McCain, who has voted with Bush over 90% of the time. Yet the American public appears ready to reward failure with four more years.

H.L. Mencken once said, "Democracy is the notion that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard." Previously on this blog, I've posited that it will take nothing less than complete and utter national disaster on the level of the Great Depression, with 40% unemployment, food riots, massive Hoovervilles, etc., to wake Americans up to the notion that their current mean-spirited, short-sighted, brutal and selfish path is a dead end. Sadly, it appears we are both being vindicated by current events.

-- Badtux the Somber Penguin

1 comment:

  1. I'm surprised that no one has commented on this yet. I believe the same about the American people, which is part of the reason I enjoy your blog, Tux. What worries me, though, is that when they get the good hard screwing that they deserve (the ignorant ones, that is) they're likely to go off in some bloody orgy of internecine violence. Against Mexicans, against Muslims (or anyone with brown skin who's not obviously Hispanic, like Sikhs, Indians, etc.) gays, hippies -- anyone who doesn't look like them and is not carrying a gun. It's what stupid people do. It's not something I'd want to stick around for.

    That's why I have faith that Obama will be allowed to win this election, though. The corporate masters know that if McCaincerface and Miss Mooseturd 1982 get it, the system will collapse. There will be riots and burning and looting, and some of their nice property might be damaged. So they'll let the supposed liberal win, in hopes that he can manage a controlled descent. I see this by the fact that the corporate meeja are casting a critical eye at the Gooper troopers instead of going all "he invented the Internet and goes windsurfing" on Obama's ass. Didn't happen in the past two presidential ill-ictions.


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