Tuesday, September 09, 2008

There's terriers under your sofa!

Quick! Run! Hide! Cringe in fear! There's terriers under your bed who want to sneak into our bedrooms at night and kill us all! Remember, citizen, it is your duty to be terrified upon command. If you refuse to be terrified, if you refuse to vote for Republicans to protect you from those bad, bad terrierists, why, the terrorists will win!

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. Terror Alerts, must be getting close to an election.

  2. Thank heavens I have the felines to protect me from the terriers!

  3. I'd be more worried about right-wing terrorists, after Obama wins and the Democrats are in power. Repigs seem to emulate the people they claim to hate. When they're relegated to a disgusting minority, I think they're going to fight back by committing atrocities. Not every Repig, of course, but there will be many on the sidelines cheering on the Eric Rudolphs who kill for politicval reasons.

    They'll justify it in the name of "freedom fighting" and tell themselves "The leftists did it during the anti-war movement in the 1960s and now people act like they were some kind of heroes, so we're doing the same thing." They'll also say they need to act like Islamic terrorists in order to make the U.S. fight against Islamic terrorists. People can always find a way to make excuses for murders they like.


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