Saturday, September 27, 2008


Over at Moto-Tux, I install a Scottoiler automatic chain oiler on my Suzuki V-Strom 650 ABS.

-- Badtux the Wrenchin' Penguin


  1. The 650 is a good size for a street bike.
    I like it.

    I want to hear your reasoning behind the 650.

  2. Okay. I wanted a bike for commuting and long-distance travel. I wanted ABS brakes. I wanted under $10K. I wanted over 50mpg. It had to be an upright seating position with a roomy cockpit because I have a bad back and bad knees. It needed at least 50hp because I'd already discovered with my KLR that 34hp just isn't enough when the going gets hilly or the altitude gets high.

    The only three suitable bikes with ABS sold in America for under $10K were:

    BMW F650GS
    Suzuki DL650 V-Strom
    Suzuki Bergman 650 Executive

    I considered the Berger, but wasn't quite ready to be scooter trash. The F650GS was a brand new bike (it's an 800cc twin, BTW) which was a strike against it, and there was no setup for highway pegs for it. Also the BMW dealership network is pretty thin on the ground outside of metrosexual areas of the country. So I ended up with the DL650. And thus far am happy with it.

    - Badtux the Motorcyclin' Penguin

  3. Cool.

    Nice bike.


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