Thursday, September 28, 2006

What bad penguins do for entertainment

One of my cousins shows the way:

Bad penguin. BAAAAD penguin!

-- Badtux the Mischeivous Penguin

My thanks to the anonymous person who sent me this pic in email :-).

1 comment:

  1. For a little context for everybody else -- this is a Chilean high school student during a demonstration in support of teachers demanding higher salaries. In Chile, you see, students generally want to go to school and respect their teachers. The ones that don't, don't go to school. How it ought to be, I guess. Unlike here in America, where virtually no students want to go to school or respect their teachers once they get there. Which is why Chile is running a budget surplus and recently held free and reputable elections, while the United States is running a massive budget surplus and the last two Presidential elections are dubious at best.



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