Wednesday, September 20, 2006

The good ole' days

A mad harper asks in a message below: "does anybody else pine for the halcyon days when sex was fun and motorcyles were dangerous?"

You mean they aren't?! (Well, both fun AND dangerous, for both of them :-).

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. All I know is about motorcycles. They are fun... and they are dangerous... especially, if you don't watch the traffic around you.

  2. Hell, I remember when drugs were good for you. or at least we thought.

  3. And, if you want some real fun and real danger, combine the two! Hell yeah! Sex on motorcycles!


  4. Naw, Nick. That's the definition of a sports car.

    My motorcycle is an ugly mutt (not one of those sleek sports bikes) that gets 50+mpg and gets me to work and back and hauls me and my gear to far-off trailheads in rugged terrain. It's not a toy. It's transportation.

    I must admit, however, that it's still ten times more fun to ride than my (rarely-driven) truck! The truck gets hauled out to go shopping for anything bulky like groceries or lumber, and I drive it to work once a week to keep the tires limber and use enough fuel to fill it up once a month to keep the fuel fresh, else it mostly lives in its parking stall -- in the past 3 years, I've barely put 10,000 miles on the thing.

    What the world *really* needs is a 4x4 Toyota Prius, then I could get to my trailheads, get my groceries, and get 50mpg on my daily commute all in the same vehicle. Not happening. Since both the truck and the motorcycle are paid for, I'll just soldier along with two vehicles for the moment...

    - Badtux the Multi-vehicle Penguin


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