Tuesday, September 12, 2006


30,000 Americans die every year from auto accidents. 2600 Americans died within minutes of beginning the assault upon Okinawa. 2600 Iraqis die every month from the civil war that we brought to their country. Why should I give any special meaning to 2600 Americans who died in New York City five years ago? What makes them more important than the 2600 Iraqis who died last month in Baghdad? Well, other than the fact that we're a nation of racist bigots who don't believe Iraqis are human, that is?

Man, there are some days when I'm glad I'm a penguin rather than a chimpanzee, and yesterday was one of them. Watching all the chimpanzees leap around howling and throwing feces at another band of chimpanzees that they define as "not human" was one of the most disgusting spectacles I ever saw.

- Badtux the "Glad to be a" Penguin


  1. Tux,

    Don't you realize by placing the same value on two different corpses - no matter if both were created unjustly - you are practicing moral relativism? And you know every clean livin' American boy hates moral relativism.

  2. tux,
    also you know. you're ignoring the whole IMPORTANT concept of "he started it!" because since the al-qaeda folks think we're not human so therefore they feel ok about killing us then it's OK for us to go killing Iraqis who we-- oh wait I lost the thread somewhere. What does Iraq have to do with...

    never mind.


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