Tuesday, September 26, 2006

I get reich-wing spam!

From a reich-winger:

you people are sick and idiotic you should not show dead children it is wrong and disgusting

As vs. actually *killing* the child, which is merely collateral damage and thus not wrong and disgusting.

So remember, boys and girls, the sick person is not the Israeli pilot who dropped the bomb that killed this child:

That Israeli pilot isn't sick. The sick person is me, for showing what happened once that Israeli pilot's bomb hit the ground. The Israeli pilot, and the Israeli people who authorized that pilot to drop the bomb? Why, they're just good upstanding moral people, not sickos like me... they know that the photo, not the dead child, is the crime.

Remember, like Richard Cohen says in the Washington Post today (sorry, no link, I will not link to that morally-corrupt hack), don't believe your lying eyes. It's what hacks like Richard Cohen says, not your lying eyes, that counts. That is why the photo, not the dead child, is the crime.

-- Badtux the Sick Penguin


  1. Oh, oh. I guess it's time to dislike Richard Cohen again. Sometimes, I can appreciate what he says, but others, he pisses the hell out of me.

    What the hell is wrong with your spammer? I think he/she is sick because they aren't upset at who actually killed the child.

  2. We should not show dead children? Oh yes we should. Show everyone what the monkeys are doing to them.

    Showing dead bad guys in towns helped settle the west.

  3. How dare you ruin that patriotic reich-winger's Wonderful War of Liberation and Persuasion! (First we liberate them and then we persuade them about the Virtuous American Way of Consumptive Life as an alternative to their heathen ways, but of course they're little brown people who speak a different language and have different customs and thus can never be truly 'Merican, so they're sort of screwed). Showing actual civilian casualties might distract Americans from their genuine patriotic zeal and diminish their enthusiasm for the redistribution of petroleum wealth. And Americans understand numbers better than they do actual photographs. Like those really big numbers involving Halliburton contracts or the spending bills authorizing Dear Leader to "stay the course." Those are big American numbers. Not those small numbers of civilian deaths and refugees; those are third world numbers.

    So do your patriotic duty and show some nice war photographs...like the ones of our troops being greeted with flower petals and candy.

  4. and don't forget bombs planted by the roadside are TERROR while bombs dropped from jets are jebus approved and moral.

    it all makes me sick.

  5. My whole bloody city is loaded with reich-wingers.

  6. If you don't show a picture of a dead child, did the child really die?

  7. I hate to break it to any reich-wingers reading this, but the truth is, in order to enjoy a massive, glorious, ego-inflating war, you have to senselessly slaughter scores of innocent children. Especially when the war in question is the long-awaited final battle of good versus evil our beloved President Dry Drunk Wonder Bread Cheerleader is fighting -- but fear not, these children haven't been senselessly slaughtered in vain. Goodness will prevail. The war is going badly for us right now, but remember, the darkest hour is just before dawn -- thus singeth St. Michelle in her hymn "Dedicated to the One I Love." We shall overcome, my friends. We shall overcome.

    And the children whose charred corpse images have served only to sap our resolve? They will ultimately catch hell explaining their abject failure to do so to Lucifer himself -- in more ways than one. (It's true. Stop listening to BT and start listening to the voice in your head, and you'll know.)

    Onward, reich-wing soldiers, and hasten thee. Fate frowns upon hesitation...


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