Monday, April 28, 2008

Recruiting Jim Bob to watch for terrierists

The deal is that apparently the Department of Homeland Security and Subversion Suppression hath decided small boats are a potential terrier menance and thus Jim Bob in his Bass Master 2000 ought to be on the lookout for them. As Blue Girl puts it: " think that Joe Blow in his boat, along with his idiot brother-in-law Bob and his buddy Skeeter from work--who are usually four sheets to the wind and barely able to handle creating a wake in the wrong area--are the first line of defense against anything other than a shortage of empty beer cans in the water is pushing it."

Alrighty, then!

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. Blue Girl has been on my must read lists for months now, Badtux.

    She's what we call a real "piss cutter" here in Missouri.

  2. Now they'll add a couple of shotguns to the fishing gear in case they run into any "terrists".

    A few cases of beer in a boat with a couple of shotguns - what could go wrong?


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