Friday, April 11, 2008


In Florida, State Sen. Durell Peaden got a "Take your Gun to Work" law passed that sez your employer can't prevent you from bringing a gun to work. Now, what gives the government to regulate what a private entity (the employer) allows on his or her own property eludes me, but still. What a law!

Next time some disgruntled employee goes nuts and shoots up his place of employment, can we call it "Going Peaden" rather than "going postal"? Please?

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. Going Peaden? time someone goes nuts, produces a gun, starts shooting, and gets turned into hamburger, we can call it "an educational exercise".

  2. Well, yeah, but usually these people want to die anyhow. It's just that having the gun lets them take lots more people with them. So it's an "educational exercise" alright, but an education for the innocent victims that they'll not forget -- if they survive, that is.

    - Badtux the Educational Penguin

  3. Now, what gives the government to regulate what a private entity (the employer) allows on his or her own property eludes me, but still. What a law!

    We've done this in debate class.

    Everyone in class -- this is rural Maine -- supported a public-policy exception to the common-law employee-at-will doctrine forbidding a guns-to-work ban.

    But given a hypothetical involving the firing of an employee who is a registered Republican, or Democratic, voter -- voting rolls are public record -- well, there's no public-policy exception was needed there, no sir.

    It's not like any important right's at risk there.

    SAnd in this state, our state constitution's version of the second amendment says the right to keep and bear arms 'shall never be questioned'. (1988 referendum added the part in quotes.)

    Presumably I can go to jail for advocating the affirmative in a gun-control debate.


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