Monday, April 14, 2008

Death and taxes

Taxes are the price we pay for civilization.
     -- Oliver Wendell Holmes

In this world nothing is certain but death and taxes.
     -- Benjamin Franklin

Yes, the state taxes are in the mail, and the U.S. taxes are e-filed. As usual, pretty close to $0 balance on both, getting a little back from Feds, sending a little to the State.

As a member of the last generation of poor kids who got a free college education from Uncle Sam (a program gutted by Reagan and Bush I, and never restored by Clinton I and certainly not restored by Bush II), I have absolutely no problem with paying taxes. It feels more like paying back a loan from society than an imposition. If it wasn't for the investment that Uncle Sam made in me, I wouldn't be paying any money to Uncle Sam because I'd be just another loser bum like my relatives who didn't go to college. I just feel sad that today's poor kids won't get the opportunity for higher education that I got...

-- Badtux the Well-taxed Penguin


  1. paying taxes = casting bread upon the waters

    i'm more than happy to pay taxes, and lots of taxes when i'm making a decent living. i count it as payback, like you say, as well as seeing that the kids who'll be taking care of me in my old age have food, shelter, jobs, health care, education...

    not to mention that in the present i'd like to be able to drive over bridges without worrying about their collapse. etc.

  2. As one of my friends (a recent naturalized citizen) said, "I like paying more taxes, it means I made more money". Thanks for the perspective, Sharma.



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