Friday, April 25, 2008

FAA covers up air traffic control mistakes

Fly the Dangerous Skies. As usual, the Busheviks fall back on their "hide, obfuscate, lie" tactics to avoid doing their job, which in the case of the FAA is air safety. When you have a group that attains power who believes that the only job of government is to help them loot money from the rest of America, that's what kinda shit you get...

If my job required me to travel via air, I'd be looking for a new job right now given all the air safety stuff now coming out. The Busheviks have gutted pretty much every safety-oriented department of the government, which is alarming in many instances, but when we're talking about airplanes, those motherfuckers fall out of the air when they ain't safe. And penguins don't fly too well if not sitting in an airplane. Well, penguins don't fly at all. Sorta like turkeys, except we swim better.

So I'm going to leave that flying shit to other people right now. Besides, who wants to get rectal exams every time they go through a friggin' security checkpoint?!

-- Badtux the Flightless Penguin


  1. I saw this coming when they handed over the operation of the Flight Service Stations to Lockheed-Martin.

    Everything immediately went sour. When you could get a flight briefer on the phone, they had no idea about the local areas they were covering.

    Whoever dreamed up that bit of graft to L-M deserves to be shot.

  2. Ya want another reason to sick to terra firma, check out starting salaries for pilots these days. 21 large a year! To quote from my own rant on this topic at Fire on the Mountain:

    Listen up! I do not want my pilot worrying about how to pay for the kid's braces. I do not want my pilot a little spacey after moonlighting on the midnight shift at the local 7-11 to keep the car payments up.

    What I want is a pilot who's pulling down at least 80 large--make that an even hundred thou, who takes nice relaxing vacations a couple times a year, and whose only worry is the funny noise the Evinrude on the bass boat has started making.


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