Friday, January 05, 2007

Them darkies are all just criminals

Especially the Mexican ones, who should all be deported. Like these guys, who interfered with natural selection by saving the life of a young boy who crawled out onto a fire escape then fell. And, get this, these evil darkies are MECHANICS! That is, people who actually work for a living, rather than inheriting a fortune from Pappy! How un-American can you get, anyhow?! Working for a living. Pshaw. Bah humbug!

We oughtta send'em all back to Mexico. Then send all them other darkies back to Africa. Remember, Jesus wants America to be a white Christian nation, so there!

Badtux the Tom Tancredo-channelin' Republican Penguin


  1. You do realize if a white person caught him, the baby would've automatically become immunized for the flu season.

    I hear that's just one of the miraculous things white people can do.

  2. Boarders are as much bullshit as bloodlines and patriotism.

  3. White People

    Is there anything they can't do?

  4. White people

    Is there anything they can't do?

    Well, lately they seem to suck at maintaining a Republic...

  5. wow - what crawled up your.....

    so um, they predict by the year 2050, that there will be no more white people left -- they will all be integrated into everyother race -- so that means no more blacks or crowns or yellows or reds either...

    i like this world!

    (ok, it's in my imagination but hey)


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