Thursday, January 11, 2007

He helped me see the fnords

Mimus Pauly passes on the sad news that Robert Anton Wilson has left his body as of 4:50 AM on binary date 01/11. RAW was one of the tricksters, but there was a method to his madness. He was paralyzed and bedridden due to post-polio syndrome at the end, and the release from his body apparently occurred smoothly, peacefully, and without any major regrets. The last, I am sad to say, will not apply to my own exit.

-- Badtux the Embodied Penguin


  1. I intend on dying with grace and dignity being as it's inevitable anyway.

    Or maybe I'll just max out my credit cards having fun. LOL

  2. thanks for the info...and i'm a feeling the same way...leaving my body in peace -- well eventually

  3. I wish I could have met Robert Anton Wilson in the flesh. I've read several of his books, and believe me, he did for horseshit what Stonehenge does for boulders. But man, was he a pleasure to read! The Illuminatus! Trilogy is the only 800-plus-page book I ever read within the span of one weekend. If there's a heaven, I hope I can meet up with hime there...


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