Friday, January 26, 2007

My presidential campaign committee at work

I attempt to bribe my exploratory campaign coordinator with a fine ear-rub. Meanwhile, my exploratory campaign press secretary and organizational director relaxes after a hard day of work...

Both of my top campaign officials advise that you go see the Infinite Cat Project, starting with cat #1 and going all the way to cat #1392. Especially read the words of wisdom below each cat.

Both of my top campaign officials also advise me that I should dump Opus the Penguin as my potential Vice Presidential candidate and instead select Bill the Cat. They point out that while a penguin would help solidify the all-important Linux geek voting bloc, that having two penguins on the ticket would not gain more voters. A cat, on the other hand, would attract the all-important cat lady demographic. The fact that Bill the Cat is flea-bitten, brain-addled, and hacks up hairballs all the time would not dissuade them a bit, at our campaign outings they would all rush to pet the sweet little kittie and if he hacked up a hairball all over them, why, they'd clean it right up and say what a sweet kitty he is and hug and cuddle him.

Hmm, on the other hand, would I really want a Veep candidate who would upstage me at campaign events? There's also one other chilling thing that I read at the Infinite Cat page:

"Cats are kindly masters, just so long as you remember your place."- Paul Gray

Shudder. Of course, it wouldn't be the first time that the vice presidential candidate was the one running the show...

-- Badtux the "Ain't Decided Yet" Penguin


  1. I hereby volunteer my two fox terrorists to assist your campaign. They are somewhat independent minded, however, and require a degree of stern guidance...your first test as a candidate.

  2. We could have the start of a groundswell here...


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