Saturday, January 20, 2007

Gen-Y to Boomers: Get thee the beam out of thy own eye

Boomers to today's young people: You're a bunch of lazy slackers because you're not out on the streets protesting 24/7 and stopping the illegal war like we stopped the Vietnam war.

Today's young people to boomers: what kind of youth movement would satisfy you sanctimonious boomers? how would you like us to express our outrage? we live with a terrible future hanging over our heads, where we will be paying for YOUR social security, YOUR healthcare, and THIS FUCKING WAR! adults have spent nearly three decades consolidating their own wealth and now kids are supposed to feel guilty for not being able to stop an illegal war that the entire world couldn't stand in the way of??? in 2004, voters below 30 were the ONLY age group in the nation that voted for Kerry. i firmly believe that before you can start telling us about political activism, you should straighten out your own fucking generation. -- Utica | 01.20.07 - 12:18 am | #

I can't say that my generation (between this youngster's and the boomers) is any better than the boomers. But then, we haven't had the chance to fuck up the world that the boomers had. Maybe when we get into positions of power we'll be able to fuck things up just as much as the boomers. I doubt it, though. The boomers are setting a pretty high standard there.

-- Badtux the not-boomer Penguin

1 comment:

  1. Most of the people at our protests are around my age. The youth don't have a clue what is happening to them. Why? Various reasons it seems.

    Oh well, America was just an experiment. So we may as well just kick back and watch it with interest.


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