Saturday, June 25, 2005

What's with your $#%@ schedule?!

So last week I posted only two posts, one of which was basically pro-forma, and this week I post 2 or 3 times a day? WTF?!

It's like this: I have a life. I have two cats and a job and a motorcycle. I have relatives who visit who need to be shown around town. I have things that happen, like, say, my car breaking down, that I need to take care of. Or some crisis at work requires 16 hour days until it's fixed.

But what about my duty to my three loyal readers, you ask? What duty is that, I ask? I post because I look around and get pissed off by what has happened to my country since the days of my childhood when America was the land of opportunity, land of the free, and home of the brave. I post because living in the land of the chickenhawk, the armchair warrior, the all mouth no balls loot-the-treasury Big Government Republican, torture apologist neo-fascists is getting me major peeved and I either gotta rant or imbibe massive quantities of alcohol and frankly ranting is better for my health. I don't post because of my three readers, though of course I do appreciate their contributions.

And some weeks, I'm just pissed off enough to post 2 or 3 times a day... or at 4:53am (California time) when I'm tossing and turning in my bed, wondering what the hell is wrong with sick SOB's who can make straight-faced apologies for torture and nobody who is anybody seems to ever call them on their bullshit and call it what it is: bullshit by people who get a woodie at the thought of hurting other people, sick sadistic bastards who probably kick dogs and kill cats (hell, who we *KNOW* kill cats, in the case of the sick sadistic bastard Bill Frist), and a supine press that is content to be a transcriptionist and apologist for torturers and cat killers and pesticide-addled bug killers. And some weeks, I decide my mental health is better off going the Soma Nation route and tuning out and doing something else, like the 90% of Americans who don't give a shit about anything outside of their own immediate family and friends because to give a shit would require, like, fuckin' BALLS, and they had their fuckin' balls cut off at birth and handed to The Man on a plate and they're good little fuckin' monkeys going hooo hooo hoo hoo HOOO! and throwing their own feces at anybody who dares point out the point that they're just a bunch of jumped-up monkeys with shit for brains going through their life like brainless robots doing what they've been programmed from birth to do and never possessing a single original thought or doing a single meaningful thing in their entire pathetic useless lives....

And now it is 5:04 AM California time, and I am going back to bed.

-- Badtux the Sleepless Penguin


  1. Damn! That's good! Hey Badtux, I hope you plan to clean up the porn on this site. I hear there's some new laws, or something, that make you, the site owner, liable for having pictures of nekkedness where the participants are under 18 years of age. I don't believe These folks are 18.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Three loyal readers? We counted four:)

  4. Plus an odd englishman too. Have you every seen any Steve Bell Cartoons, he likes penguins too

  5. There are five of us on the NewsBlog 5000 staff.

  6. Well, that does it... I can't drink anything at the computer, anymore! Those Wraith guys caused me to spill my drink! Luckily, just on myself, not on the computer.

  7. Hope you've gotten some sleep. Post at will or not. That's why I post, too. Living on outrage, these days.

  8. I'll be a loyal reader if you'll tell me what kind of 'sickle yer forkin'. I'll bet the footpegs are way high to accomodate them little short penguin legs, huh? :)

  9. I have you near the top of my favorites list (of hundreds) and I read you EVERY DAY. I can understand your contempt for the majority of Americans. As a gay man I look at heteros and just shake my head at their shallowness, their selfishness, their sheer petty meanness. The deliberate ignorance is pathetic.Balls cut off at birth? Yeah, farFAR too many.

  10. Well, Gordon, it's not exactly a penguin kinda motorcycle. It's rude, it's crude, it's simple, it's infinitely fiddleable, it has one whole cylinder and an awesome 34 horsepower (as measured at the rear wheel), it's a Kawasaki KLR 650. Or at least that's what it started out as, I piddle with the thing so much that about the only stuff still stock are the engine, frame, and brakes.

    After messing with computers all day long, there's something somehow soothing about piddling with a machine that is so simple yet so useful. I have mine outfitted in full mule mode, with tank paniers, top and side bags, and an optional duffel bag strapped to the rear seat, and regularly go grocery shopping with the thing -- hey, 50mpg ain't nothing to laugh at no matter how funny the bike looks hauling a load of groceries home! It's also great for hauling me and a bunch of camping gear to places where a normal car can't go, and a helluva lot cheaper than a Jeep...

    Anyhow, more later. I'm kind of tired because I just finished putting it back together again after changing valve shims (it has shim-on-bucket valve gear, meaning that adjusting the clearance is a major production)...

    - Badtux the Machinery-lovin' Penguin

  11. Those big KLR's are fine machines. A friend of mine had a very early one. They suffered from intermittent black boxes and the ignition would quit at odd moments. I got to see quite a bit of back country one time retrieving it from way out in the boondocks. The newer ones work fine. I'm an ol' single-cylinder kind of guy myself. I rode a Triumph TR5MX (same as a BSA B50, pretty much) in the desert for years. Now I have had a Honda XR200R for 23 years and can't kill it, so I have no excuse to get a new one. Have you checked out the MZed "Duke"? A real "Hooligan" bike. A lot cheaper than a shrink, fer damn sure.

  12. Exactly. You are your own penguin. That's why I love ya...

  13. With two cats I'm surprised you have time left for anything for yourself. I won't reveal how many I have but you see the frequency and recent "depth" of my posts (and comments at other blogs). I blame it on the felines.

    Keep up the outstanding work.


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WARNING: You are entitled to create your own arguments, but you are NOT entitled to create your own facts. If you spew scientific denialism, or insist that the sky is purple, or otherwise insist that your made-up universe of pink unicorns and cotton candy trees is "real", well -- expect the banhammer.

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