Friday, July 11, 2008


The Mighty Fang catches up on his sleep, as is true for 21 hours of the day.

-- Badtux the Sleepy Penguin


  1. He is one sleek and shiny dude.

  2. Fang's coat is gorgeous. Such a handsome fellow.

  3. They're so sweet when they're sleeping. Not so sweet when they're picking on the geriatric feline stepsister or clawing holes in the window screens in attempts to chase the birds outside. Then they hop into a lap, purr, graciously accept scritches, and go back to being sweetly asleep. Damned cats.

  4. Karen, not only is TMF sleek and shiny and gorgeous and loves sitting on laps and getting kitty massages while purring very loudly, but he has very soft fur and he's the sweetest cat you'll ever come across. His normal reaction towards meeting any stranger is to rub against said stranger's legs and ask to be petted (if it's a human stranger), or, if it's a four-legged stranger, to attack said stranger with his, ah, Pink Tongue of Mass Grooming. He's just a big sweetie pie all the way (though his grooming attempts tend to annoy Mencken greatly, but then Mencken is a curmudgeon and is annoyed by pretty much everything :-).

    -- Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin


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