Thursday, July 03, 2008

The best health care in the world

Patient collapses in emergency room after 24 hours waiting for care, lies dead on floor for an hour before hospital staff finally check on her.

But hey, we have the best health care in the world here in the United States of America. I know so because Rush Limpdick tells me so, even though the United States is the worst Western nation in heading off preventable deaths. U S A ! U S A! We're number one! YAY!

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. :::head desk::::Sorry, I am in an inarticulate rage state.

  2. But...but...universal healthcare is TEH SOCIALIST!!!111!!

  3. After having been up to my eyeballs (and other balls, too) in the U.S. medical system and a socialised one down here, I can say that they're equal -- same medicines, same equipment, same treatment protocils -- except for one thing. EVERYBODY GETS HEALTH CARE HERE! But you already know that.

    It is a bit of a culture shock to not have the national psychic zeitgeist dominated by fears of "What happens if I get sick? Will I have to face the choice of 'Do I go broke, or die?'" Kind of like it's a culture shock to live in a society where there's not always the fear of "Who's carrying a handgun? Will I get shot in the street?"

    It's so relaxing to live in a land of "no worries", Badtux. Not that it's perfect, but some of the bigger ones in the U.S. are non-existent here.

  4. for $400 million rush limpdick of course has the best healthcare in the world

    McCain and the republicans and mccain DO HAVE a health care policy - it is called "dont get sick"

  5. "We've established the most enormous medical entity ever conceived... and people are sicker than ever. We cure nothing! We heal nothing!"

    Dr. Herbert Bock (George C. Scott) in "The Hospital", 1971.


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