Thursday, January 06, 2005

Spamford Wallace in trouble again

Our favorite EMAIL spammer, "Spamford" Wallace, is in trouble again. Seems that he was distributing spyware that then demanded that people buy his software in exchange for stopping popups of advertising for his software. And the bummer is that his software didn't even work!

Which goes to prove that distributing spyware doesn't pay, unless your name is Microsoft and the spyware is named "Windows XP".

- Badtux the Snarky Penguin

1 comment:

  1. Good to see you back again, Tux. I was afraid that the Jesusland Ministry of Faith-Based Truth (TM) might've caught you doing something unpatriotic...and an upstanding American citizen like yourself wouldn't be doing that, right?

    I had a recent bout with spyware/adware/malware/whateverware a week ago. After running Norton and a couple other online shareware programs, I finally got it off, but now Internet Explorer (yes, I am part of the evil empire... *cries*) is irreparibly (did I spell that right?) damaged.

    Rather than wipe my whole system clean and reinstall Windows XP, I finally decided to switch to Mozilla Firefox by downloading it on a more obsolete computer in my house, saving it to disk, and installing it on this one. I haven't had much trouble with it so far, though it does seem to freeze up whenever I try to back out of an Adobe Acrobat .pdf file.


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