Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Back from vacation (sort of)

Ah yes, I am stuffed with boudine balls, courtboullion, gumbo, etoufee, muffaletas and poboys. Been down there to Looisianer, whoo-whee!

It'll take a few days for me to get back on track. While you're waiting, check out Errant Story, the only web comic that I check religiously nowdays. Due to the high quality of the artwork it takes a while for the author, Poe, to post each new page of what is going to be an epic graphic novel, but the wait is worth it. Warning: Start from the beginning, and be aware that there are a LOT of subplots, flashbacks, foreshadowing, and every other trick of the trade that Poe learned while doing his old Exploitation Now strip. But while Exploitation Now was originally Poe unabashedly practicing how to draw naked bodies as he learned how to do so in art school and only moved into being a real story towards the end of its run, Errant Story is an actual story with an actual plot, one that is only now, over a year and a half after he started drawing it, starting to come into focus.

- Badtux the Cajun-stuffed Penguin

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