Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Unintentionally hilarious headlines

I'm a member of my local FreeCycle group where we recycle each other's unwanted items to keep them out of the landfill. For example, I got a bedroom bureau/drawers with a broken leg, and turned it into tool storage in my garage by taking my circular saw and chopping off the other three legs (bwahhahaha!). Their software has an interesting trait: It chops off subject lines at a given number of characters. Leading to this subject line:

[SantaClaraFreecycle] OFFER: Microwaves, moving, children

Yeah, I think my Mom felt that way sometimes when my brother and I were growing up. Especially the day we burned down half the backyard and almost got the garage while testing our campfire-building skills, heh!

-- Badtux the Easily Amused Penguin


  1. But is the microwave small enough that the children will fit into it?

    Yes, I do love my spawn. And yes, I'm counting down to the fourth week of August - start of the school year in SE Ohio.

  2. Oh, that last comment was me, Sungold. Fucking identities - I seem to be turning into Sybil. Blogger doesn't like me anymore since I moved to WP.

  3. I've used Freecycle for years, mostly to pass things on but I've also gotten some things useful to me off of it.

  4. Especially the day we burned down half the backyard and almost got the garage while testing our campfire-building skills, heh! --

    What a lightweight, I almost burned down a house doing that in a closet.

  5. Freecycle will not accept my membership, so I am missing out on this rich vein of snark.

    My parents did move when I was at summer camp, BTW. I knew about it, but it still freaked me out.




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