Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I'm in need of some chocolate therapy

I made the mistake of answering "Yes" when iTunes asked me if I wanted to update my iPhone to the latest OS. Since then, I've been in a restore-reboot loop, with occasional halfass-working iPhone.

So right now I'm about to restore again... but this time, I'm going to tell iTunes to set it up as a new iPhone, without restoring any settings. It appears that the update is fucked big time, it restores about half your data then goes into an endless loop when it tries to restore your contacts. So much for that vaunted Apple reliability, if Sprint had the EVO 4G in stock I'd be on my way to Radio Shack now to buy one...

So anyhow, I just baked some chocolate brownies from Ghirardelli mix... I need some chocolate therapy, big time!

-- Badtux the Frustrated Penguin And therapy is well underway...


  1. Ah. Good choice.

    Dark chocolate M&M Peanuts are good, too.


  2. This mix has lots of dark chocolate chips in it, and they ooze when I cut it. Mmmmmm :). And at $3.95 for the box, and maybe 25c for the egg and vegetable oil, it's a lot cheaper than paying some psychotherapist type, heh.

    - Badtux the Therapied Penguin

  3. Mmmm. When my husband _really_ needs a chocolate fix, I mix up a batch of Hershey's Dark Chocolate brownies and add half a package of semisweet chocolate chips. It's too chocolate for me, but Husband loves it, and it's a whole lot cheaper than counseling, as Tux says.

  4. That is the best mix ever. Always under cook. My new find is Lindt Excellence with a touch of sea salt. Damn good.

  5. I used an oven thermometer (not the lousy 30 year old thermostat on the oven) and followed the directions exactly, and ended up with moist delicious chocolate brownies. The reason you see it being kind of crumbly is because it's still hot. After they cooled down a bit, they're still moist but not crumbly. Still good, though :).

    I picked the Ghirardelli mix because it said it had Ghirardelli chocolate chips in it. I've been by the Ghirardelli shop in San Francisco and they are righteous when it comes to chocolate, yum! It did turn out quite good, definitely better than the somewhat chemical taste of your typical Betty Crocker etc. mix... but I wonder, if I put the chocolate chips in the Betty Crocker mix, would it be as good? Not worth finding out, I suppose. It's not as if I bake brownies every day, after all -- this is a once-a-month treat, at best!

    - Badtux the Chocolate-satiated Penguin

  6. The Ghiardelli brownie mix is the ONLY choice when the need arises. It tastes totally better than the others, and no amount of chips will make Betty's better. When heated and topped with a large pile of Dreyer's Vanilla ice cream, well... 'nuff said.

  7. Yeah, I missed the ice cream, but when you need chocolate therapy you need chocolate therapy... there wasn't time to run to the store for a container of vanilla ice cream. Siiiiigh! But the brownies by themselves, with milk, were good enough :).

    - Badtux the Therapied Penguin

  8. Mmmmmmm. Looks like you're getting used to the new digs quite nicely, :)


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