Wednesday, June 23, 2010

And on a lighter side....

Can anybody identify this large rambling bush for me? It has heart-shaped serrated leaves, pendulous purple flowers, rambles like a rambling rose, and seems to like the shady spot between the house and the fence.

-- Badtux the Gardening Penguin


  1. Excellent. And the hummingbirds love them. I've seen a hummer or two out there poking around.

    Looks like this winter when they go dormant, I need to cut them back by half, and during the remainder of this summer I need to feed them monthly with the same kind of fertilizer that you use on tomatoes. Wegman's Nursery in Redwood City (just up the road from here) has great care and feeding guides for plants that grow well here in the Bay Area, I'm going to have to take a run up there, big box stores are... boxes.

    And it does appear they're in the right place for them, a cool place with fairly filtered sunshine. I guess I should have figured, since they've survived rental tenants they clearly are in a place well suited for them because nobody would have nursed them along if they weren't!

    - Badtux the Gardening Penguin

  2. Lockwood beat me to it.. I'll confirm.

  3. You don't need to go buy fertilizer for them, just piss in a bucket and pour it on them, just doing that makes my apple tree a monster.

  4. Who needs a bucket, when you can just go piss on the tree?

    JzB who is amused by the way "fuchsia" is spelt

  5. @JzB- yeah, when I checked the wiki link (after I posted the comment, of course), I was amused to see one of the first sentences was "frequently mispelled "fuschia." Which was the way I had spelled it.

  6. Hummingbirds love red flowers. If you like hummingbirds, plant some Monarda, minimal maintenance and one of their favorites.

  7. Fuschia! Wunnerful, ain't it?

  8. Everyone beat me to it.

    They are a great, easy plant here in the bay area.

    Be careful cutting it back, though; I would do it in early spring after all chance of frost has past. They are very frost sensitive and if new growth starts and we have a late chill, it is the end of the plant. Here in San Jose, our average last frost date is February 21. I'd do it the first weekend in March, personally.




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