Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tea bagging has low turnout

Seems like even the combined efforts of practically every host on Fox News couldn't make tea-bagging popular. The usual right-wing "grassroots" billionaires failed to get a big turnout, though what turnout they did get made up in viciousness and hate what they lacked in numbers, with lists of Democrats they want to see hung, polluting the waterways, and terrorizing Congressmen by sending suspicious envelopes that cause the evacuation of Congressional offices.

I guess I was wrong about how many kinky Republicans there were. I guess it's just the leadership, not the rank and file, that are closeted tea room queens (note -- that's a link to a tea party in a tea room).

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. Looks like the whole thing turned out to be pretty much a dud.

  2. I would have thought that Craig would have been more the lemon type of partier.

  3. Civil disobedience is OK when the Republicans do it. ;-)

  4. fox this am was perdicting 800 cities..yeah- delusional...
    thanks for blogging it...the insanity.

  5. I grew up in a little town called Berkeley Ca. , in the 60's . Saw a protest or two in my High School days , up close and personal ! The rocks and the gas flew like water .
    It feels so unique to see " street protest " from the other side now . In fact I can't stop laughing .
    a LOL w3ski

  6. When one's entire political philosophy is based on a slavish allegiance to authority, it shouldn't come as a surprise that such people would really suck at protesting. Fer chrissakes, we're talking about people who think Ted Nugent makes really awesome rock n' roll...

  7. Hmmm, seems as though Fox News is a wee bit upset about all the vicious and unpatriotic mockery we poured on the Teabag Protests they worked so tirelessly to promote.


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