The Great Orange Satan, that is. Which I try not to link to, since it has become such a hotbed of gratuitous liberal self-congratulation and smug ideological partisanship, but this was such a great take-down of the Tighty Righties and their elevation of an obscure and geeky group of affordable housing advocates to Obama Storm Troopers Come To Take Away Your Guns that I've ever seen.
Let's not forget the Official Conservative Headgear:
Apparently their tin foil has been slipping, between their ACORN Storm Troopers Are Coming To Take Your Guns Away bit, and their Obama Is A Secret Muslim Who Isn't Really American And Is Going To Turn America Into A Fascist/Socialist State bit. Gah. Conservatives. What a buncha scaredy-cat bed-wetters they be.
-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin
Sometimes I think the "Right Wingers" are even afraid of their own shadows . Must be horrible to live(?) like that > always in Fear !