Monday, April 13, 2009

Sadly prophetic

Earlier, I wrote about Sandra Cantu About how her attacker was a family friend or relative (almost always in these cases).It turns out that I was sadly correct -- it apparently was the mother of one of the girl's friends, a neighbor at the trailer park, who is also possibly being charged with rape and molestation. And lest you think, "hold it, a woman wouldn't do all that"... from the moment that Sandra Cantu's body was found in the water, it became likely that it was a woman. That is the preferred method for women to dispose of the bodies of children.

One asoect you will not see harped upon is the fact that the suspected perpetrator is a preacher's daughter. It's well known that many preachers have, err, odd sex habits. Was this preacher's daughter a witness of -- or participant in -- such doings? That, I suspect, is not something we're going to learn anything about. We wouldn't want to tar the high priests of a death cult (that just finished celebrating a holiday for the death of their deity) with their actual deeds, right?

Of course, given that my own religious faith also involves wet suits (but only for the monkeys, us penguins have no need for them)... but then, Tuxologists don't have any death celebrations in their religious calendar. The Great Penguin has been uniformly uninterested in all that slaying and destroying cities and crucifixion and such that the death cult is famous for celebrating...

-- Badtux the Grim Penguin


  1. "The Great Penguin has been uniformly uninterested in all that slaying and destroying cities and crucifixion and such that the death cult is famous for celebrating... "


  2. "Was this preacher's daughter a witness of -- or participant in -- such doings?"

    I wouldn't be surprised!

    "...I suspect, is not something we're going to learn anything about."

    I think this SHOULD be brought out in the open!


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