Monday, June 02, 2008

Clinton Derangement Syndrome

I've had to stop reading a couple of my favorite blogs for the time being because they have simply gone completely nuts. Obama has won the Democratic nomination for President. Even if you include both Michigan and Florida (respecting the will of the voters in Michigan, where the "uncommitted" votes were clearly for Obama rather than Clinton since Obama wasn't on the ballot there), Obama still wins. That's just the facts.

But the sufferers of Clinton Derangement Syndrome trot out one excuse after another as to why Obama didn't "really" win. It's like play day at the paranoics conference when it comes to the sufferer. Just as the paranoic "really" knows that he lost his job because "the CIA is beaming mind control rays into my brain", the CDS sufferer "really" knows that Hillary "really" won because "caucauses disenfranchise handicapped people" and thus aren't representative of the will of the majority of the Democrats in caucus states (just one example, CDS sufferers have plenty of other excuses for why Clinton "really" won). Nevermind that they haven't found a single handicapped person disenfranchised by caucus states or a single bit of evidence that indicated that handicapped persons would vote any differently than any other voters in caucus states. Evidence is not required for the CDS sufferer, just as it is not required for the paranoic who "knows" that the CIA is beaming mind control rays into his brain.

The funny part is that I voted for Clinton (gasp!). When Edwards dropped out, she had the best health care plan of the remaining candidates. Obama's health care plan is little more than pandering and hot air, and his criticisms of Hillary's health care plan were dishonest. But then after Super Duper Tuesday, Hillary started running John McCain's attack ads against Obama, and has run a dirty Republican-style campaign ever since pandering to the worst parts of the Democratic coalition, including the appeals to racism that are a hallmark of modern Republican politics. And her recent comments claiming victory despite the fact that, uhm, she lost, strike me as being as deranged as John McCain's continued assertions that we're "winning" in Iraq. Just completely divorced from reality. Like a Republican, that. But if I want to vote for a Republican, I'll vote for a Republican, not for a Republican Lite like Joe Lieberman or (apparently) Hillary Clinton. Needless to say, I (and many other Californians) would not vote for Hillary if the California primary were today instead on Super Tuesday. Luckily, since Obama won, I won't have to hold my nose and pull the lever for her in the fall. Saved by reality!

Hopefully the CDS sufferers will return to reality shortly. If not, well... (shrug). Say hello to President McCain. And say hello to a depression that will make the depression of 1929 look like child's play. If less than 50% of Americans die of starvation after the strongmen seize power amidst the ruins of the American economy and all oil imports are cut off, I will be extremely surprised. Well, I'll be dead so I won't be extremely surprised, but you get the point.

-- Badtux the Reality-based Penguin


  1. Not deranged, little penguin--just blithe.

  2. This is why I read you blog my tuxedoed friend . I agree exactly about Hillary , except my conversion was when Obama struck right back at Bush and McCain after an attack . She hasn't yet taken on Shrub yet and he didn't hesitate to . As to when the sob's come to get the rest of us ; aren't you a vet ? I heard they have a saying for that ocassion
    " Lock and Load "
    w3ski ( warning can be hazardous to the health of Fascists )

  3. Pretty much where I am at--had a huge argument in comments on my live journal with an old friend over this, she gave very weak reasons for why she just couldn't vote for Obama. But even tho' she didn't like Hillary WOULD vote for her if she got the nomination---but now she intends to throw away her vote on a green candidate rather than toss it to Obama. And she was indulging in day dreams of how it "wouldn't matter if McCain wins" because of such voting practices, "because the 2008 president won't be getting much done, we have to look to 2012." Yep, deranged...if McCain wins, gods know if we will see an election in 2012.

  4. @Labrys:

    "but now she intends to throw away her vote on a green candidate rather than toss it to Obama."

    So I'm inferring that your friend must live in a swing state, is that correct?

    If instead she lives in a safe R or D state such as California or Texas, her vote has long since been thrown away by the way we elect a president. If that's the case I hope you'll apologize to her for such a baseless accusation.

  5. In my experience, when a black person does better than a white person at anything, there are a certain percentage of whites, maybe 10%, who will never accept the possibility that the black person just did objectively better. Any half-baked conspiracy theory will come out of their mouth, but they will never admit that. C'est la vie. I hope they'll come around, but I wouldn't count on it.


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