Friday, June 06, 2008


The Mighty Fang is black. In some parts of the world, that would make him discriminated against. But there is no discrimination in my household, because I view a kitty by the character of his soul, not by his fur color -- and TMF is a big lovable lunk of a cat who practically smothers people with friendliness.

-- Badtux the Multi-colored Penguin


  1. That is a good looking cat.
    I love the name too.

  2. TMF is a beautiful cat. And I mean it when I say that Manni and Lola are his kindred spirits. I only wish that Manni Moe was as slim as TMF. Moe is huge. Lola is much sleeker.

    I love your blog, not just for the kitty pictures...

  3. Laura, TMF is 18 pounds so he isn't exactly slim. He has a little belly that wobbles beneath him when he walks. I'm just careful to photograph his good side, is all. It's all trick photography, heh!

    - Badtux the Photo Penguin

  4. my George is all black to -- with a little white down his chest making him have a little "tux"

    and all he does his smother you with love....

    right now he is sleeping and just got over being pretty sick -- he was down to 7 lbs - but i hope he is on his way back to recovery

  5. I have two black cats: Bucephalus and Caledonia. Bo-Bo is a long, lithe, lean, lanky, lustrous, limber, lissome laddie; Cali a curly, chubby, cheerful, chipper, clever, comely, cuddily cutie. Both born in 1993 to Ariel who still struts HER lovely stuff. The other two: Antioch the GREAT, and Phoenecia the Princess are siblings and were born in 2000. The joys of my life, especially Antioch, the most enthusiastic and charismatic cat who has ever had ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

  6. Black cats are sooooo sleek and gorgeous. Including the Mighty Fang.


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