Monday, May 07, 2007

Wingnut math: 35% is "evenly divided"

Apparently wingnut pies are pretty weird. Half of a wingnut pie is 35%. Most of a wingnut pie is 29% (since "most people" support President Bush, all 29% of them). At least, if you read World Nut Daily that's what they tell you.

Here is how a World Nut Daily article starts:

35% of Dems believe Bush knew of 9/11 attacks in advance

Five-and-a-half years after al-Qaida terrorists hijacked four U.S. airliners, crashing them into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania, Democrats find themselves evenly divided as to whether President George Bush knew in advance the attacks were coming.

Wingnut math. Crap. If any of these dudes had been one of my math students, I would have given them an "F" and made them repeat 4th grade. Sheesh! What a bunch of ignoramuses!

-- Badtux the Math Penguin


  1. No link? No mention of the actual phrase with 35%?

    Strange indeed...

  2. Hi Jonathan. You haven't been around for long, so you don't know about my no-linking policy regarding World Nut Daily. (Replace the "u" in "Nut" with an "e" and Google for them). The deal is that they get their money from selling on-line advertising, and the more eyes that read their advertising, the more money they get. The more incoming links they get from pages like this, the higher they get on the Google page-rankings, and the more eyes they get to read their advertising. I might laugh at them, but I don't want to subsidize them.

    Anyhow, I signed up for their email newsletter to get the nuttiness delivered straight to my Inbox and I can assure you that I cut and pasted exactly from the email that was sent to me. I have no idea whether the actual article on the web site said what the EMAIL said, but the EMAIL was hilarious enough to be post-worthy.

    I've been reading Joseph Farrah's stuff since the late 1990's when he first went online, and it was pretty good for a while as long as you kept his biases in mind (he's a Lebanese Christian who fled Lebanon during their civil war that happened after the Lebanese Christians became the minority in Lebanon yet refused to give up any power to Muslims in their democracy, thus he is very pro-Israel and anti-Muslim since Israel took the Falangist side in the civil war), and during the Clinton years he didn't buy in *too* heavily to all the nutty conspiracy theories going around about the Clintons, like the ones that said the Clintons were the Sopranos of Arkansas going around knocking people over left and right and running drugs through Mena and stuff like that. Indeed, he served as a good watchdog on some of the *real* evil things that the Clintons tried to pull from time to time, such as when the Clintons tried to outlaw on-line e-commerce by outlawing the method used to encrypt financial transactions unless it included a government spy chip so the government could see what you were buying (the "Clipper Chip"). But after 9/11/2001, he just went clean off the tracks. He apparently bought in to the notion that criticizing the President when he does wrong is the same thing as helping Muslims, and went from being a watchdog to being a lapdog. Sad to see what bias can do to a man's objectivity...

    - Badtux the News Penguin


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