Wednesday, May 16, 2007


In a democracy, you may believe that it's the people who choose their leaders. But that notion is as quaint as the Geneva Conventions. In a democracy, who really chooses our leaders is... Rush Limbaugh.

Huh? Rush Limbaugh?

Yes, Rush Limbaugh. (Warning, link goes to World Nut Daily, you may wish to wear surgical gloves and mask and place a condom over your computer before clicking).

Methinks that Rush's happy happy penis pills have been swelling his head, not his penis. What ya think?

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin

Note: Essay on sin delayed due to necessity to earn six-figure salary. Have a snark snack instead. Less filling! Tastes... uhm... like Viagra! Yeah!


  1. 6 figure salary? What the hell are you doing writing here mister P?!!! Get busy!

  2. As someone said "I believe in one man, one vote. I'm the man and I have the one vote"

    The Cynical Gentleman Thug

  3. Sumo: I was lucky enough to get into the Linux biz early (well, luck wasn't involved, I saw the business possibilities and jumped in flippered feet first). I know where the bodies are buried in the Linux source code and whip up Linux distributions for fun and profit between lunch and dinner, between managing a couple of teams of Chinese software engineers, writing design documents, architecting new products, and tracking down and fixing problems that only people who know where the bodies are buried can solve. And I wonder what I'm doing writing here too. So much for the "impoverished lefty hippy" thingy, eh? Do note, however, that money doesn't go far here in the Silicon Valley. I'm paying almost $2,000 per month for my iceberg dock, and as for the notion of owning a home here... hah! Maybe after the housing bubble completely bursts. Not before then.

    Gentleman: Are you quoting The Decider? Or as he prefers to be known nowdays, The Commanderer?


  4. happy happy pills eh?

    wow -- can we give them to the whole bush administration? then maybe instead of trying to take over people they can focus on the person of their choice....

  5. If you love your earning figures you are with the Bush neocons. But could you handle it if things go to hell?

    Democracy means that people on welfare get to vote liberal for more for themselves and their kind.

    And there are many of them. So how do you like those beans?

    You people with money, you quack me up. Quack, quack, quack.

    Hey, are you happy?

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. My son is a keeper of the Linux flame. He's graduating next month from Cal State with his major in Comp Science. He'd better find some figures like that to line his pockets because Mom wants him to move the hell out so she can be naked in her own house. When he graduated HS he had Penguin build him a Linux PC top to bottom...Mom's treat of course. He swears by it...I mean he worships at its alter.

  8. Well I remember "One man, one vote" being a slogan of the African National Congress. A wit added generally in Africa at the time it was "One man, one vote, once".
    It is Terry Pratchett's in Ankh-Morpork that they have a political system described as "One Man, One Vote", in which Lord Havelock Vetinari,Patrician of Ankh-Morpork is the Man, and he has the Vote.

    The Helpful Gentleman Thug

  9. When it comes to my work, BBC, yes, I am *quite* happy. It's interesting, challenging, and productive. I'm not re-inventing the same old wheel over and over again, I'm constantly doing new things. I don't talk much about my work here on the blog, but that's because the tighty righties have this bad habit of going all attack-dog upon employers of people they don't like. So you don't know who my employer is and I don't give you enough info to figure it out. And that's how I like it.

    As for having someone build me a Linux PC top to bottom, I built my Linux PC of course. No need to have someone build it for me, when I can build it with much higher quality stuff by going to my local Fry's. For example, I have a $150 power supply. It's worth it. I've put those el-cheapo power supplies that everybody ships built into new coputers onto the scope. It's horrible. Noisy, never the right voltage. Power supplies are the biggest cause of computer failure other than hard drive crashes, thus it makes sense to put a good one rather than junk.And that's just one example. My computer is *solid*. I'm going to rebuild it shortly because it's four years old and it's time to move to the new Intel Core 2 Duo processors with the 16x PCI Express video and a pair of 500gb SATA drives in mirroring mode. But there's no real need to do so, other than the fact that I need more memory to run some applications I just installed (hard to believe that 1GB of memory used to be a *massive* amount, now it's barely adequate!) and plain old DDR memory (what it takes) is more expensive than the modern DDR2 memory. Might as well go whole hog. This is what I make my living with, after all. Good tools always make a task more pleasant than fighting crappy ones.

    - Badtux the Linux Penguin

  10. Badtux,

    You would absolutely hate my computer. It's 7 years old and I'm still on Windows Mill which I hate because I'm so limited. But I'm too cheap to up grade and when you don't know what you're doing, it becomes major drama to set up a new computer.


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