Friday, March 11, 2005

Terrorist training facility found in your neighborhood!

It is well known that the only people ever interned at Abu Ghraib Prison were, to quote the Rabid Rotweiller's web site, "previously busy cutting off peoples heads. Fuck them, I say we start publicly burning terrorists alive. I'll provide the gasoline."

Now we learn that at least one of the inmates at Abu Ghraib Prison was at most 11 years old. Out of curiousity, this penguin investigated, and found this Iraqi terrorist training ground:

Shocking, wot?

But then this penguin investigated further, and found that not only is Iraq dotted with these training grounds for 11 year old terrorists, but there is one in his very own neighborhood! And probably in your neighborhood, too!

Obviously this must be stopped. Therefore I suggest that you write your city counciller, county commissioner, and legislators immediately and demand why they are financing these training grounds for terrorists in our very own towns and cities!

Remember, boys and girls: Eleven year old terrorists will DESTROY US ALL unless we rip them from their mommas and daddies and stick them into decrepit hell-hole prisons such as the one regarded as the most notorious prison in the world.

- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. If pre-pubescent terrorists didn't exist, it would be necessary for the imperialist wannabes among us to invent them.

    By the way (in case you haven't already heard), I'd like to say congratulations. You've definitely earned it...


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