Thursday, March 31, 2005

Let's party like it's 1899

To: Frank Butler
County Inspector
Bartholomew County, Indiana

Dear Mr. Butler,

I wish to applaud you for protecting our community from the horrible obscenity of the Venus de Milo and Michaelangelo's David. It is clear that if we allow reproductions of classic artwork to be displayed where children and horses can see them, we will go the same way as the Italians, who are, well, funny-talkin' furriners, not real Americans like you and I. We must protect the moral purity of America and Americans from these funny foreign ideas like "art", and I thank you for your sterling defense of the values of our community, where we don't want none of them funny outsider idears coming in here and rousing folks up. Them outsiders might call Michaelangelo's David art, but we both know it's just some guy with his pants down. Oh sure, them outsiders might make fun of you as being out of a bad Simpsons episode, but we good Americans know you're not a cartoon, so stand by your guns in defending America from that horrible foreign "art" stuff!

Badtux the Snarky Penguin

Credits: Ded Space via The Heretik

Us good Americans know the one on the left is art, and the one on the right is obscene.

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