Wednesday, February 23, 2011

An excuse to eat more pizza

It can save your life. Just ask Jean Wilson, whose life was saved by an alert pizza delivery driver who noticed that her regular order hadn't come in, and got worried.

Of course, the fact that Ms. Wilson ate a large pizza per day might also have something to do with why she fell and couldn't get back up, too...

-- Badtux the Pizza-lovin' Penguin


  1. Yeah, prob'ly. Crap! I was gonna write more, but the pizza just arrived.

  2. Speaking of pizza and good will, I heard a report on NPR this morning about a pizza joint in Wisconsin that's been getting paid orders to deliver pizzas to random protesters. From out of state. From EVERY state. And from many foreign countries, including Egypt.


  3. Of course, the fact that Ms. Wilson ate a large pizza per day might also have something to do with why she fell and couldn't get back up, too...

    What -- you mean she slipped on one of the discarded pizza boxes?

  4. I dunno, BadTux. I'm not overweight, at least not much, but when I fall, and it does occasionally happen, I generally cannot get up without help. I've learned to carry my cell phone with me even around the house. Once (thank Dog only once) Stella got a call from me after I fell when she was at work. That fall, without my knowing, broke bones in my foot, leading indirectly to my ongoing crippled state.

    Then again, I don't push my luck by eating a large pizza per day. :-)

  5. Nothing more to say, but who could resist the CAPTCHA text "swords" ...


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