Friday, February 25, 2011

Closets the size of fuckin' MANSIONS

Rep. Chris Lee, the "Craigslist Congressman" who abruptly resigned when it was discovered that he was soliciting sex over Craigslist, apparently liked dark meat with wiener schnitzel.

Now, we had wondered why Rep. Lee had resigned so quickly. I mean, a right-wing bible-thumpin' Christian Republican who turns out to prong prostitutes is no big deal, just ask Diaper Dave Vitter (R-La.) or Jimmy Swaggart (R-Loonytoons), both of whom survived their prostitution scandals. But I guess now we know the rest of the story -- Rep. Lee is so far deep in the closet that he can't come out even to himself, thus his attraction to trans-men, who at least look like women even if they're genetically male.

Now, some of you might wonder why I'm chortling so gleefully here. What's the matter with getting some wiener schnitzel action from trans hookers, you ask? Well, nothing, actually. But folks who use the "Christian moral values" schtick to interfere with gay American's rights then turn out to themselves be gayer than the gay mayor of gaytown simply make my snarky glee explode in a flurry of penguin feathers, that's all, yo.

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. Thanks for the follow-up. I just KNEW there had to be more than a Craigslist ad. I haven't cared enough about this numbnuts to look into it, but it's always amusing to know the facts. I assume they're facts, even though the TS people were a bit sketchy. That's the nature of their game, I suppose.

  2. Well, at least we know he's not racist -- all of the women or "women" he went after were tall athletic African-Americans. I guess being only half a bigot is better than being a full house bigot...

    - Badtux the Multicolored Penguin

  3. I don't know about Lee's bigotry or lack of it, so this does not apply to him, but lots of times people will go after sex partners with characteristics they despise in ordinary life. The thrill of disgust that they get from breaking taboos in their down-low life is what makes it special. Strom Thurmond and any number of gay-sex-loving anti-gay preachers, eh?

  4. Just remember, IOKIYAR.

    Which might make a good basis for a song... each verse singing the praises of some right-wing loonie whack-job but...



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