Thursday, March 29, 2007

We're number seven!

Yep, when it comes to high technology innovation, the United States is now in seventh place thanks to a combination of factors such as decrepit K-12 educational infrastructure, lack of government provision of e-services (which has gone *backwards* under the Bush administration -- for example during the last years of the Clinton administration you could once read civil lawsuit decisions on the Internets, but under pressure from legal publishers, the courts have now taken all that stuff offline), etc.

We're number seven! We're number seven! U S A! U S A! WOOT!

And in other news, Bob Dylan actually smiled. What next, Leonard Cohen is going to write a happy happy children's song?

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. Yeah!! We beat Norway!!


  2. What? You expected us to stay number one forever? Get over it, history and progress doesn't work that way. It's others turns now.

    America had a good run but failed with the experiment. Got too greedy, bossy, so be it.

  3. Number seven? We're that high? I'm amazed.

    Don't laugh if Leonard Cohen does write a kids' song, though. He beat his depression after a long battle, and I wouldn't put anything past him...


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