Friday, March 30, 2007

Mencken is not happy...

Looking at my web hosting statistics and adding up "cat cats kitty kitties" then looking at "coulter", nude ann coulter naked is getting almost as many Google hits as the pussies are. michelle malkin nude naked is way behind, nobody wants to see michelle malkin (yay!). Add the two together, though, and they're only a dozen hits behind Mencken and the Mighty Fang...

Mencken asks, "What is wrong with people?" Then he put his head down and put his paw over his eyes and say "meh, go away" and went back to sleep.

- Badtux the not-nude Penguin

1 comment:

  1. I want to see pictures of Michelle Malkin naked. She is one smokin' hot wingnut, Badtux.

    Does this make me a bad person?


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