Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Reaming continues...

$3.20 per gallon for regular at my local gas station (which is one of the cheaper ones in the city).

Here is what I want to do to oil company executives: Too bad penguins can't fly, or I'd do it to their face rather than to their shoe :-(.

-- Badtux the Poopy Penguin

Note: For more about penguin defecation than you ever wanted to know, check out this igNobel-prize-winning paper...


  1. Have at it. They're bleeding all our pockets dry.

  2. hey -- i'll lift ya up so you can do the duty in their faces...smle

    yea..this sad to see...sigh!! it always goes up towards summer time -- in time for i'm dreading how much this year

  3. I'm rooting for ten bucks a gallon. If you monkeys are still driving too much, then I'll push for twenty bucks a gallon.

  4. I don't think I've ever seen a penguin take a dump, before. HA! That was very interesting.

  5. Oy.

    For once, I'm glad you didn't post this at my place. I sympathize with you, but goddamn....

  6. There are some consolations to this fiasco: yesterday at the gas station, I watched the asshole next to me with the Bush/Cheney sticker pump one hundred dollars worth of gas into his Hummer. He looked at me and shook his head, as if to suggest that I should sympathize with his plight. I grinned mockingly in response.

    Yes, it was childish of me, but selfish shiteaters like him are who put this gang of greedy, vindictive robber barons into office. No sympathy!

  7. Mimus, I must admit the main reason I did not post it at your place was jealosy. Mockingbirds can fly, thus can take a dump right on the head of the greedy money-grubbin' bastards...

    Fnord: True enough. Even with gas at $3.20 per gallon, a full fill-up of my motorized two-wheeled mule costs less than $20... and happens only after I've put 250+ miles on a tank of gas. 50+mpg sure comes in handy!

    Of course, then there's my Jeep with its 15mpg. But I only use it to go shopping and for camping trips, so I only had to fill it up once in the past month, so I guess I can live with that...

    - Badtux the Motorbike-ridin' Penguin


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