Friday, March 16, 2007

Feed me. Now.

The Mighty Fang prepares his glowing eye lasers of Forcing Penguin To Feed Me in preparation for the penguin opening the cabinet door beneath him, in which his tasty kitty food lives...

- Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin


  1. Often read, never commented, but this is just too close to home.
    My daughter has four of the lil critters. She also left home without the darlings. What you have to go through, while devasting, is nothing - I say nothing! - to my daily ritual. I thought about the humane society, however, who would want 8 to 10 year old cats, so I'm stuck. Damn me!

  2. I suspect, however, that The Mighty Fang makes two of your daughter's lil critters... somewhere here I have a posting of TMF on a human's lap. Let us just say that his hind legs are near the human's knees, and his forepaws are at the human's shoulders. He doesn't look that big if you just look at him, because he is well proportioned and just an overall beautiful shiny happy kitty. But anyhow, between TMF and Mencken, I think I probably have three cats :-).

  3. Bad tux,
    How much, and what, did you have to pay 'Mighty Fang' to describe his daily offerings as 'tasty'?
    Or were his taste buds shot off in the maus wars?

  4. Q: How does an 18 pound cat describe his cat food to a penguin?
    A: Any way he wishes.

    His cat food better be tasty, or else! And no, I do not buy him the 33c supermarket cat food, I value my health!

    BTW, you are correct to quote his name, for he blogs under a pseudonym just as I do.

    - Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin

  5. There is a very fine line between genus and insanity, be very careful.

  6. That poor kitty looks hungry. I wouldn't be surprised if you were late with his breakfast, and that's why those laser beams are working so hard.

  7. Yay! A pooty! A cute pooty!


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