Sunday, March 11, 2007

To the folks in the next apartment over

If you're going to have loud energetic sex at 12:30am, could you at least move your bed away from the wall so it isn't going bump bump bump bump bump against the wall behind my head?

Thank you, this has been a public service from your neighbor the penguin.

-- Badtux the Woken Penguin


  1. If I had to hear 'em, I'd want to watch.

  2. Maybe the bed was originally away from the wall and it moved... all that energy ;)

  3. Ah, you're just jealous because, being a Penguin, you only get to have sex outside on a freezing cold ice floe in the middle of the Antarctic.

  4. couple in the next room
    they're tryin' to win the prize
    they've been goin' at it all night long

    well, i'm tryin' to get some sleep
    but these hotel walls are cheap
    lincoln duncan is my name
    and here's my song

    here's my song

    paul simon

  5. Things like that are why I like owning my own place.

  6. Yeah, BBC, I own my own place too, but it's 2000 miles away from here according to Yahoo Maps. A penguin has to follow the herring wherever they swim, and right now they're swimming 2,000 miles away from home. Penguins are migratory birds, after all.

    Still trying to think of how I'm going to break it to the folks in the next apartment over that their carnal activities are, err, public knowledge...

    - Badtux the Migratory Penguin

  7. I had visions of the numerical scoreboards the olympic judges hold up after a performance. don't. know. why.

  8. Well, if you can hear them, then the obvious thing to go is to find an appropriate gal (guy, animal, bird, etc. of your choice), and find the time that they'd normally be asleep, and go at it like crazy. In other words, subject them to the same effect. ;-)



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