Thursday, March 01, 2007

Stupid freeper steals my bandwidth

But I've fixed his wagon. Cut and past the following URL into your browser (can't hot-link it from here), then search for the word 'wabbit'.


Note: the original image was Elmer Fudd. He was apparently a popular guy, because a *lot* of bandwidth stealers now have their postings saying something very different from what they intended it to say, because here's the NEW image: Yes, Jim/Jeff Guckert/Gannon, our favorite presstitute cum gay hot military prostitute stud!

Check out the following which now say something VERY different from original intent:

I am evil, evil I say! Evil!

-- Badtux the Evil Penguin

PS-- It does make the original post a bit more interesting, though!


  1. Alright, I'll admit it: I'm stealing your bandwidth too. I hot-linked to your picture of Teh Gay Agenda. Please don't replace it with something horrible like a picture of a giant, fire-breathing Republican.

  2. Don't worry about it, I ran a hotlink report and would have already done the substitution if I wanted to do so :-). Elmer Fudd, though, was very popular. I must have a thousand links from MySpace to that Elmer Fudd graphic. They now look rather... hilarious. Like the guy who posted, "Be vewwy vewwy quiet, I'm hunting woodpecker!" and now that statement is very homo-erotic (bwahahahah! I am evil! Yes!!!).

  3. Remind me to never piss you off...

  4. OH THAT WAS JUST BRILLIANT! I wish I had thought of that.


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WARNING: You are entitled to create your own arguments, but you are NOT entitled to create your own facts. If you spew scientific denialism, or insist that the sky is purple, or otherwise insist that your made-up universe of pink unicorns and cotton candy trees is "real", well -- expect the banhammer.

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