Friday, March 09, 2007

Quote of the day

General Tony McPeak (retired), Member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff during Oil War I in 1991-1992, about the aftermath of Dear Leader's little war to liberate Iraq's oil:

McPeak: The worst case? Iraq's Sunnis begin to be backed into a corner, then the Sunni governments -- Jordan, Saudi Arabia -- jump in. Israel sees that it's threatened by these developments. Once the Israelis get involved, then everybody piles on. And you've got nuclear events going off in the Middle East. That would be about as bad as it could get.

Let's hope General McPeak is wrong...

-- Badtux the Alarmed Penguin


  1. What I'm trying to figure out is.

    Who is right.

    The media blows a lot of things up as you well know.

    When I was in the Navy there was a structure in place and things where clean and neat.

    And I would trust a military doctor with my care over a civilian one to this day. But that's just me.

  2. My prediction is that things will get much, much worse. Even now, I think the situation is much worse than most Americans can imagine. The number of refugees is astounding for a country with so much oil wealth. The U.S., after bring Saddam into power with a coup and military support, is now in the process of making him a fondly-remembered cultural hero of all Iraqis.

  3. bbc said
    "When I was in the Navy there was a structure in place and things where clean and neat."

    Ehhh You were in an academician's portrait of a navy, maybe.
    The one I was in was full of people and made by people and the whole op was pretty scuzzy except when the Admiral was sashaying through to look at the feathers we put on the clean floor so he wouldn't notice the black mold in the corner that fed on the wax we used to polish the floor to Navy standards.

    The media hides most things the dividender in chief wants hid and any who squeak: "what about ..." are immediately deprecated.
    Too bad. I have values. One of the early ones is skepticism. Particularly when the mouth speaking gets his pay check for doing so. Which describes every member of all parties.
    For those of you in the market for a bridge I say: "Only Bad Tux is honest and clear-sighted!"

    {/snark} {/rant} {/soapbox} {so what.}


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