Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Naked pictures of Ann Coulter are NOT located here. This is just a test to see whether I get lots of Google hits from perverts looking for nude pictures of Ann Coulter. Heck, let's throw in Michelle Malkin too. Don't get your nude pictures of Michelle Malkin here! Michelle Malkin nude pictures! Ann Coulter nude pictures! Everything not here!

What are you, some kinda *sicko* lookin' fer that kinda stuff here?!

-- Badtux the Hit-whoring Penguin

Not     Not
Ann Coulter Nude     Michelle Malkin Nude


  1. But... but... I WANT naked nude pictures of Ann Coulter and Michelle Malkin.


    In a lesbian encounter.

    (Isn't THAT enough to make you hurl?)

  2. I've found that horse masturbation and sailor moon sex brings the most hits.

  3. Good point. I have now posted cat pictures that are not ann coulter nude or michelle malkin nude. Hopefully that'll make the googlebots get in on it!

    And yeah, I have a *great* troll swatter...

  4. LOL

    The kitties are so pretty. You probably could have used "pussy cat" or some part of that phrase and got lots more hits. ;)

  5. Over at my place, WHERE YOU STOLE THIS IDEA, I suggested:

    Maybe, in the name of science, you should use "Michelle Malkin nude." Then we could link to each other creating, if not Google-bombs, at least a small Google-shoot-out. Next, we collect statistics and write it up for one of the high-paying journals of blogging science. To be really scientific, we should gete a third blogger to litter their site with "Ann Coulter and Michelle Malkin Jello wrestling." Of course they might have to have their imagination surgically removed afterwards.

    I still think it's a good idea. Everyone knows Malikin is insanely jealous of Coulter (who is authentically Aryan and a New England WASP while Michelle was a green card baby). And, the College Republican boys seem to think both of them are "hawt!!!" But, so far, no one has attempted to measure their relative desirability among the College Republican boys, not even Sadly No!

    This is our chance to advance blogger science into realms where it really shouldn't go. All we need is the third partner... Bryan???


  6. PS - So what has this done to your traffic? And why doesn't my Gravatar show up?

  7. I hate to think of what sorts of folks you are courting by using Malkin and Coulter as your nudies, Better to use Britney Spears and Beyonce Knowles.

  8. Malkin and Coulter Jello wrestling?

    That's too tame. How about having them tag-team O'Reilly and Limbaugh?

    Can't you just imagine Malking smearing greasy liver-flavored Jello all over Limbaugh's fat, floppy belly?

    (Gawd, I can see it on CNN now: "Mass Vomiting Across Nation, film at 11")

  9. Cats look good, but I need brain bleach for the Coulter/Malkin thing.

  10. What does it say about my readership that this post is the one on my front page that has the most comments? Hmm...

    John, I'm pretty sure I didn't steal this idea directly from you. Unless you run PSOTD. While I check out your blog from time to time, I don't recall anything there about Ann Coulter nude. Or maybe my brain went into denial when I saw it. Hmm...

    As for traffic, it's too soon to say. I doubt there will be much there tho. Too much of the posting appears on the search results page :-}.

  11. In place of showing a sexual encounter between C & M, just post a video of bangin' two 2x4s together. One white pine and one mahogany. You could paint little faces and other details on them. People would get the idea without getting sick.

    We get a lot of comments on our titti (Heh, I said titti)!lating posts as well.

  12. busted me as well. For some reason I wanted to see some pictures of her boney nekid buttock as well.........and I prefer the term pre-vert

  13. I came here via Google looking for nude pictures of Ann Coulter (well, I think she's hot). You got me, fair enough. :)

  14. Actually, I thought I was going to see a picture of a Russian Wolfhound!


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