Monday, March 12, 2007

Spring forward

This is the time of year where it is always a PITA to reset the clocks on the VCR, microwave, stove, stereo, etc. However, last fall I had a nifty idea: Why bother resetting those clocks? Since most of the year is spent on DST nowdays, why not just leave them set to DST? Just remember when I looked at them that they were an hour ahead!

So now all the clocks in my house all say the correct time again, and I didn't have to do a thing! No digging for the microwave manual and the stove manual and the stereo manual and etc. to figure out how to reset those clocks, just leave'em alone and presto!

Am I a genius, or what?

-- Badtux the Practical Penguin


  1. LOL

    So I'm not the only one. I do change all the clocks but one in the living room. I can't remember exactly how to do it so as not to mess up the hourly chimes, so for a few months out of the year, it's one hour wrong. We have become used to it and it's like part of the daily routine.

  2. Both my computer and my microwave could be set by a child, and those are the only two clocks I mess with. The phone is controlled elsewhere, and I use it as an alarm. On the other hand, my car clock has one setting, and it is not worth trying to change :)

  3. I figure you are a genius

    Like myself

    A genius idiot

    Hell, even my atomic clock is an idiot. I have to push a paper clip in it to reset it for the time change.

    I haven't even looked for a fix for the computer, I just changed it myself. Next Sunday it will tell me it is changing and I will tell it that it don't know what in the fuck it is talking about because the fucking monkeys changed the rules this year.

    Yeah, the fucking monkeys that play with their brains too much.

  4. Why don't you just set all of your clocks to GMT (which is what I used to do[2])? That way, you don't have to worry about resetting them when the time changes (since GMT doesn't change)[1][3].

    [1] You do have to worry about leap seconds, but so does every other clock in the world. Then, again, most clocks aren't accurate enough to have to worry about leap seconds.

    [2] Yes, I admit it; I am a genius.

    [3] You do, of course, have to worry about applying a mental conversion factor to adjust from the GMT clocks to local time, but I found it was quite a bit easier to do that than to have to reset all of the clocks.


  5. That's what I do in my car. Mrs. F, however has to have the correct time on all the clocks in the house. That's why she was the one running around looking for the manuals.

  6. cool -- or you can move to arizona where we don't participate in that madness..grin!

  7. The only clocks I change are my alarm, watch, and two battery ones in the house.
    Screw the others.
    I don't mind a bit that the DVD player, VCR, and Microwave blink 00:00.


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