Monday, March 26, 2007

Gonzo is *SO* Gone

From World Nut Daily, voice of crazed Republican fanatics everywhere: Embattled AG now accused in sex scandal 'cover-up'; Attorney General Gonzales among officials who allegedly ignored abuse of minor boys.

Oh brother. If you're a Republican and World Nut Daily has turned on you, it means that the Party has turned on you. Better polish up your resume, Gonzo. I hear the Bush mansion in Kennebunkport needs a new gardener...

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. So, am I missing something, or is there a whole, like, thing with Republicans, boy molestation coverups? Just askin'...


  2. I know. I thought about adding the line "Your Republican Party: molester of boys everywhere", but decided that went a LEEETLE bit over the line. Though given the number of boy-molesting Republicans that have been uncovered lately...

    - Badtux the not-molesting Penguin
    (Hey, I'm not a Republican!)

  3. Referring to AG Gonzalez as "Gonzo" is an insult to the memory of Hunter Thompson. And to Muppets...

  4. There's Scooter and Gonzo in the Bush White House. What do those guys have against Muppets anyway?

  5. Which one is Cheney? Animal?


  6. interesting -- i've always found that people who protest too much (like men and homosexuality)

    are in actuality, the people who are closet homosexuals

    and they are the most dangerous ones!


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