Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Iraq veto promised oh look! Shiny toys!

President Bush is promising to veto funding for the Iraq war because it contains advisory deadlines for withdrawal of troops, and over 25% of Iraqi reconstruction money was embezzeled by war-profiteers like Halliburton and ... oh wait! Over there! It's a bald panti-less washed up teeny bopper mousketeer getting out of rehab!

Sorry, as a typical American I have the attention span of a ferret oh look shiny toys! shiny things! Boyohboyohboyohboy! Oh wait! There's a washed out music producer on trial for murder having a bad hair day! Whoa boy howdy a penguin has to have priorities, y'know?

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. you crack em up -- attention span of a ferret

    naa, if it's not on american idol or survivor -- then it doesn't exist for the average american...sad smile

  2. Shiny objects! yeeaaaaaaah! What about lost Boy scouts? yeaaaaaahhh!
    What about Britney Spears? yeeaaaah!
    Shiny objects! Shiny objects! Weren't there some gruesome murders of white children today? yeeeaaaaah! Shiny objects!

  3. Bush to actually veto something? Yeah, that'll be the day...

  4. Who the holy hell is the guy in that picture? John Bolton with his moustache shaved off?

  5. Phil Spector? Bad hair! Shiny shiny! oooh!
    poing poing poing...

    - Badtux the Ferret Penguin

  6. New toy store for the American public: Bright things and bits o' string 'R' us


  7. Don't pay attention to the news. Look at me, I'm all better now.

    Oh, I'm out of rehab, but I still haven't found my panties. ;)

    Support the president, becuase we should, that's why.


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