Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Ann Coulter vs. Michelle Malkin

Who is more popular?

Thus far, I've gotten 14 Google hits for Ann Coulter Nude, and only 2(two) Google hits for Michelle Malkin Nude. Does this mean that Man Coulter is 7 times more popular than Michelle Malkin? Or does it merely mean that people are curious to see what sexual organs Man Coulter possesses between his/her legs? Curious penguins want to know!

-- Badtux the Curious Penguin


  1. Don't even ask me to think about what that bitch has between her legs.

    Just don't ask.

  2. Now, THOSE aren't shiny objects.

  3. I thought Ann was a trannie. I don't want to see the scars.

  4. There's a visual I didn't need first thing in the morning.


  5. When I read your post subject, I really hoped it involved a steel cage and sharp objects. Or at least some Jello(tm).

  6. I didn't get any results for "Yellow Elephants Nude." Oh well, I wouldn't want to see a Yellow Elephant naked anyway.


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