Saturday, March 10, 2007

Clashing styles

Unintentionally hilarious headline: "Brazil police clash with protesters demonstrating against Bush visit".

Uhm, yeah. Hasn't anybody ever told the Brazil police that blue-grey really, really does NOT go with green and yellow? The Brazil police need to get those Queer Eye guys to come in and give them a fashion makeover, sheesh! Although I must admit that the jaunty beret certainly gives this fine example of Brazil police-dom a rather dashing look, wot? But what's with the motorcycle helmet worn by the cop in the background? Quite unfashionable, that!

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. 14 years as a cop, and I *never* arrested anyone who looked like that, never mind dressed like that.

    Although that bikini bottom looks a little... um, "full", if you catch my drift...

  2. Andrew, them knockers ain't fake. If the bikini bottom looks full, my suspicion is a sanitary napkin, not, err, Man Coulter equipment, if you get my gist. I'm not sure whether she's getting arrested, or just being given a guided tour by the cop whose blue-grey uniform clashes with her green-and-yellow "garb". He does look rather... impressed... by what he sees, doncha think?

    M-B, what would have been cool would have been if The Decider had actually seen her. What's written on her chest is in Portuguese rather than Spanish, but it's very close to the Spanish and The Decider knows enough gutter Spanish to do the translation, I'm sure (he would have heard it while growing up in Texas). The "Out! Out!" on her thighs just punctuates the statement :-).


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